10 Confidence Boosting Tips

10 Confidence Boosting Tips

So many people struggle with self confidence. Below is an excerpt from my interview with Newsful Online. A link to the full article (and the other 9 tips) is at the bottom.

“Keeping track of small and big success daily can help build confidence, according to Jessica Turner MD, a Brown University trained, board certified psychiatrist. "I recommend keeping a victory log, to chart your successes daily, no matter how small," she says. "It could be that your success is simply getting showered and dressed for the day. Once every week or two, review your successes. Success tends to have a domino effect. One good thing leads to another.  Over time, you will gain confidence to take on more challenging projects". 

To read the full article: click here.

If you have further questions please contact me: click here.


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